All parents must report to the local school district  any children between the ages of 7 and 16 they intend to home school by October 1 of each year. This is done either in the "Initial Report to the Superintendent" or in the "Letter of "Intent to Continue Homeschooling". Parents who begin homeschooling and submit their initial report to the superintendent before a student turns 16 are not required to submit notification or perform assessments after the student turns 16. However if you withdraw a student from public school and begin homeschooling after a student is 16 and older, the student must be reported using the "Initial Report to the Superintendent" form. Immunizations must also be documented and submitted at time of reporting unless you choose the conscientious exemption from immunizations which then must be signed and notarized before it is submitted to the superintendent's office.

All students are required by law to take a norm-referenced standardized test annually; however, the scores do not need to be reported. As parents, we are responsible to make sure our children are making forward progress. If your child falls below the 30% mark, you are obligated to do some initial assessment for learning problems. Help is available from the school district if learning disabilities are noted or need to be addressed. 

The yearly reporting form can be accessed on the MACHE Website and downloaded in full. You are required to maintain documentation regarding annual testing and course work for your children in the areas of: reading/writing; literature; fine arts; mathematics; science; the social studies of history, geography and government, health and physical education. This documentation must also "include class schedules, copies of materials used for instruction, and descriptions of methods used to assess student achievement.” All documentation and samples of work should be maintained or stored for three years. It is helpful to make copies of the title page of books used and their publication information if you do not want to keep the books for that period of time. 


Report cards are no longer necessary under the 2011 changes to yearly reporting.


If you intend on enrolling your student in Post-Secondary Education Options while in high school or they intend to further their education at a community college or four year university, a high school transcript of your student's course work and grades will need to be provided. You can make your own or use a template provided by another group such as Fast Transcripts from HSLDA. There is usually a small fee attached to  transcript orders.  A professional looking document and accurate grading of your child's work is important when submitting college applications. Begin the process early in the high school years and add to it each semester as course work is finalized and graded. Some colleges and universities may want to see students samples of work, too; it is a good idea to maintain a folder with writing samples, math tests, or projects from the high school years until a student has been accepted into their desired institution.